As part of the Inclusion Action Research series, Bath Spa Team members have been funded to explore how they can better communicate with people with learning disabilities. In this blog and research paper the team share their key learnings and ways they are working to better communication within Bath Spa University.
Will Hunter reflects on the boundaries of being an inclusion producer and how we can collectively design a future ‘that provides the care and support we need to deliver human centred and kindness filled approaches’.
After being inspired by previous audience members Michel and Lilly work to create new hybrid spaces for members of LGBTQ+ community. In this blog they share how they tackled inclusive tech and the steps needed to create a truly inclusive digital space.
As part of our Inclusion Action Research series, Ruth Clinch from OTR Bristol reflects with us about their outreach work into new communities. Ruth's background is in education, focusing on SEN, mental health, and safeguarding, alongside an academic background across African studies, politics, and human rights.
Gill Simmons is a working class Bristolian-born theatre maker, sound designer and composer. She has an MA in Drama and Theatre from Royal Holloway University of London, gained on a bursary scheme, and has been teaching and making theatre for over 20 years. In this article Gill shares personal experiences of being working class in the arts and proposes actionable ways to democratise the arts.
Following the test and reflect commission last year, we will publish some of the research outputs over the next two weeks. Read the announcement from our Inclusion Producer about the research and what to expect.