Expanded Performance Category
Club XXY
by Tessa Ratuszynska
Club XXY is an exploration of the future of social spaces, both online and offline in the wake of 2020/1. Through interviews with architects, journalists, technologists and club promoters, Club XXY explores how systemic exclusion and oppression are built into the fabric of built and digital environments, and the critical resistance practices employed by space makers in order to centre and affirm the marginalised communities they serve. This 360° scroll around, which can be found here web documentary collates these interviews inside mock-up virtual environments, imagining how radical spaces might operate if re-envisaged virtually.
This work-in-progress screening comes at the conclusion of a research project conducted in the advent of a global pandemic, the temporary and permanent closure of community (particularly queer and minoritised comminities) spaces and an unparralelled momevement of the social, political, working and resting facets of life into the digital sphere. It also comes at the end of more or less 1 year of total lockdown across the UK, which has seen unprecedented protest against state violence and systemic racial oppression. At point of writing the UK sits in the wake of a widely condemned government sanctioned Race Report, which fails to acknowledge any systemic racial oppression in the UK and awaits the outcome of the proposed Police Crimes and Sentencing Bill, which would grant the police and government many more powers to control and monitor public gathering in many contexts, including protest.
Viewers should be advised that the work contains reference to the above and direct, structural and cultural violence in relation to gender, disability, race and sexuality.